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The Best Plants and Herbs For Bees And Pollinators

Written By SWAY
Photo By SWAY

Beautiful plants and flowers add to the splash of colours in the garden. They are an important part of the ecosystem as they are edible and perfect for attracting beneficial insects and flies that help in pollination. They also provide a nutritious food source for bees and pollinators who produce one-third of the total food we consume.

Some of the best plants and flowers that can act as the best source for bees and pollinators to pollinate are:


Thanks to their perfect combination of white and yellow colours daisies ( the shasta type in particular) easily attract pollinators. Want to shake things up in your prairie? choose between pink, yellow, or a purpleish type.


Lavender is not a herb or flower but a perennial plant (plants that can live for three or more growing seasons )and a true must-have in the garden for attracting bees and pollinators. Bonus: cut off and dry the flowers, pour them into little cloth bags and place them in your wardrobe to help keep moths at bay from your favourite cashmere.


Hugely beneficial for pollinators, grow a carpet of thyme or plant it in pots and watch the bees fly in. There are many varieties to choose from, don’t forget to cut some for your cooking: whether to add to a vinaigrette or consume in an infusion, this natural antiseptic will keep diseases at bay.



A hardy and drought-tolerant herb which can be harvested year round for cooking. Its flared blue/purple flowers also has a long flowering season, and will attract mason bees, flower bees, bumblebees and honeybees. Fragrant honey guaranteed on the other side.


Marigold is a brightly coloured flower that is edible and grows annually. Apart from attracting pollinators, marigold is also known for its soil-enhancement properties. Its roots can help discard any soil-harming insects or nematodes that usually destroy tomatoes or other vegetables.


Sunflower is one of the most beautiful flowers that can attract insects and birds easily. It forms an excellent “home” for different “visitors” such as bees, insects, and birds that play a vital role in pollination. Also, their cheery colour can act as a magnet for many forms of wildlife.


Nick-named “Bees Bread” because of its nectar-rich blue flowers, borage also known as ” star-flower” is a real hit with bees of many types and humans alike!

Not only will it keep bees well-fed, you can also add its edible flowers to salads or freeze them in ice cubes to chill your summer cocktails.

Written By SWAY



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