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8 Books to learn more about climate change and the environment

Written by SWAY

Whether you are just getting started or are quite versed in climate change and the environment, these books are some to come back to over and over again.

Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teaching of Plants: Robin Wall Kimmerer

Robin Wall Kimmer, a member of the Citizen Potawatomi Nation, embraces the notion that plants and animals are our oldest teachers. Throughout her book, Braiding Sweetgrass, Kimmer demonstrates the significance of a wider ecological consciousness and how this will require both the acknowledgment and celebration of our relationship with the rest of the living world if we want to not just survive but thrive. I defy you not to be moved by this very special book.

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Regeneration, Ending the Climate Crisis in One Generation: Paul Hawken

Trust the brilliant Paul Hawken to turn the complex subject of climate change on its head by proposing an extensive menu of actions that collectively can reverse the overheating and degradation of our planet. In Regeneration he brings people back into the conversation by demonstrating that addressing current human needs rather than future threats is the only path to solving the climate crisis.

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The Intersectional Environmentalist: How to Dismantle Systems of Oppression to Protect People + Planet: Leah Thomas

The Intersectional Environmentalist examines the inextricable link between environmentalism, racism, and privilege, and promotes awareness of the fundamental truth that we cannot save the planet without uplifting the voices of its people — especially those most often unheard. With this important book, Leah Thomas, a prominent voice in the field and the activist who coined the term “Intersectional Environmentalism,” has created a call to action, a guide to instigating lasting change for all, and a pledge to work towards the empowerment of all people and the betterment of the planet: because one can’t exist without the other.

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The Uninhabitable Earth: David Wallace-Wells

A must read if you need to quickly get up to speed with the sheer scale of the climate emergency, journalist David Wallace-Wells’s succinct but brutal portrait of our future lives on earth unpacks in 200 pages the different dimensions of our forecast future, from heat death to unbreathable air. A frank and unapologetic wake-up call showing us how coming climate changes will cause an all-encompassing shift in politics, culture, health– everything!

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The Book of Hope: A Survival Guide for an Endangered Planet: Jane Goodall

World-renowned naturalist and conservationist Jane Goodall has spent more than a half-century warning of our impact on our planet. With Book of Hope she brings us the manifesto we’ve been waiting for from one of the wisest voice on this planet: never underestimate that even in the face of great adversity, we can find hope in human nature, and in nature itself! To be read and re-read!

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Ocean of Life: Callum Roberts

Using his lifetime’s experience working with the oceans, in his book Ocean of Life, Callum Roberts shows the catastrophic impact of humanity on the oceans, but also, and this is key: how we can restore them to life. At the heart of this book is a profound love of the ocean and a deep concern for its viability as an existential resource for us all.

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This Changes Everything: Naomi Klein

Not one to tiptoe around a difficult subject, award-winning journalist Naomi Klein envisions the effects of climate change as humanity’s wake-up call to the environmental dangers of unregulated global capitalism and reimagines the world as we know it. We are faced with one simple choice: can either change the world or wait for the world to change so drastically that no one is safe.

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All We Can Save: Truth, Courage and Solutions for the Climate Crisis: Edited by Ayana Elizabeth Johnson & Katharine K. Wilkinson

This collection of essays and poetry by 60 leading women climate activists, shows the power that women have in creating the solutions that we need to mitigate the climate crisis. From the Arts through Science and Humanities, this book not only inspires, but preserves a sense of hope for the future.

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Written by SWAY



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